Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Objects, People, and Places 1
Chapter Outline
People, Objects, and Rigging ...................................................................... 81
Organic and Nonorganic Objects ................................................................ 84
Shooting Safe Zones .................................................................................... 85
People, Objects, and Rigging
Often with pixilation, whether you shoot the subject on a downshooter or
horizontally, people and objects are treated in the same way. This can be
difficult on the person, especially when everything is treated like an object. It
is almost inhumane to animate a human in pixilation for long periods of time
with no support or breaks. As Nick Upton, the pixilated star in the 1986 Bolex
Brothers film The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb states:
1 Opening image is of an animator moving Frank Passingham and Tom Thumb model. By
Bolex Brothers, used with permission from Dave Borthwick © 1986.
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