Image Processing Reference
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Fig 5.4 the “rack focus” effect
on cutouts from JibJab Media inc
© 2010. (Barack Obama and Joe
Another type of lens I want to mention is the “tilt-shift” lens. The tilt-shift lens,
made by most of these companies, is highly sophisticated in design and, as a
result, is very expensive. This concept has been around for a while in copy-
camera equipment or with bellows cameras. Basically, the lenses can be tilted
so the glass of the lens is not parallel to the film or image sensor plane. This
changes the plane of focus, which can be highly effective, especially with a
shallow depth of field.
Fig 5.5 a diagram of the camera lens with a normal parallel depth of field and a camera lens
with a diagonal depth of field that corresponds to the angle of the titled lens.
Fig 5.6 examples of the tilt focus effect photographed by Monica garrison, printed with permission from Monica garrison, © 2010.
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