Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig 2.10 image of a Mitchell
camera with pins.
These days, like many things, digital technology has put the animation
film camera to rest. The two main digital cameras used are the digital video
camera and the dslr camera. There are advantages to each camera, and this
is explored in subsequent chapters. Remember that we need the ability to
shoot one frame at a time. Digital still cameras are ideal for this approach
because they were designed to take single still pictures. Most digital video
cameras can be controlled to shoot single frames through the animation
software that you need to use. All images that come through a digital
camera are digitally registered in size and placement, so there is a steady
image when single frames are strung together to make a movie. Having
a camera that has “manual” controls is critical for a steady image. Canon
and Nikon are two leading brands in the digital SLR arena and Sony and
Panasonic are two popular brands in the digital video approach. Many more
brands work well and satisfy the requirements needed for alternative stop
motion techniques.
Fig 2.11 image of a panasonic
digital video camera and a
Canon digital still camera.
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