Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Shooting Frame by Frame 1
Chapter Outline
Technique to Serve the Idea ........................................................................ 17
Preproduction............................................................................................... 22
Equipment and Setting Up .......................................................................... 25
Technique to Serve the Idea
“A lot of people are trigger-happy—they just want to be shooting/
animating all the time, because it makes them feel like they are being
productive. But in reality, you are just wasting creative energy if you
haven't done the hard work on your ideas. And it is hard work. There are
days when you smash your head against a wall trying to work something
out. I spend a lot more time refining my ideas than I actually spend shooting.
“To me, understanding that your ideas are what make you unique is
the most important thing. There are many people who can shoot or animate
well. That's not the rare thing. A good idea is the rare thing.”
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