Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
a more figurative and narrative approach to animation and stop motion
in particular, many successful examples show less traditional, alternative
uses of the medium in the nonfigurative areas. Today, artists are revisiting
some of these older techniques and putting a new spin on them, with fresh
ideas and technology. A real image captured by a camera has a unique and
genuine appeal that is hard to deny. Computer imagery is full, fluid, and
quite refined, but the imperfection and anomalies of the photographic
expression of an object or person are what strikes us to the core.
The process of shooting photographic frame-by-frame films requires
a certain skill set that is unique to these techniques. All the innovators
mentioned in this chapter have been groundbreakers. They had to take risks
to experiment and use what they discovered in their process and expand on
those discoveries. Many, like Dziga Vertov, were not so readily accepted in
society, but their passion and drive to discover new means of expression in
their filmmaking drove them forward in their frame-by-frame approaches.
Pixilation, time-lapse photography, and downshooting are techniques
that exemplify this approach, and we explore them in more depth in the
following chapters. The possibilities are expansive.
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