Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Insert Opener ART
Rhythm and Flow 1
Chapter Outline
Let the Music Lead ...................................................................................... 119
Patterns of Movement................................................................................ 123
The Beat Goes On ....................................................................................... 126
“We really like to base our animation on music. Usually what we do is, first
Merav edits the drawn animatic over the sound track, creating a general
tempo for the whole piece. Then, while doing the 3D animatic, we fit the
more subtle movements and gestures to the bits.”
Yuval Nathan
Let the Music Lead
When I first started studying film, I had a wonderful teacher by the name of
Martin Reynolds. His love and passion for filmmaking was immeasurable and
his high regard for music and sound left an impression on me. He would say;
1 Opening image is Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Walter Cronkite. JibJab Media Inc.,
© 2010, courtesy of Evan Spiridellis.
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