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We notice that this bistable behavior does not emerge in the deterministic coun-
terpart of the system. In fact, as noted, the deterministic harvest process [Eq. ( 4.10 )]
has only one stable state. We can obtain the equilibrium points A of the underlying
deterministic dynamics from ( 4.9 ), eliminating the random fluctuations by replacing
the noise term with its average value,
. Thus the equilibria A are given by the roots
aA (1
A )
λα A =
The solution of ( 4.13 ) leads to A =
0 (unstable state) and A =
a (stable
state). Thus, for a given value of
, the stable state of the system increases from 0
to 1 as
to 0, consistent with the behavior of the modes of
the stochastic dynamics through zones III, II, and I of Fig. 4.9 .For
a decreases from 1
fire-induced disturbances are too frequent and intense to allow the process to leave the
state A
0, which is stable both in the deterministic and in the stochastic (zone V in
Fig. 4.9 ; see caption) dynamics. Thus the behaviors found in zones I, II, III, and V exist
also in the deterministic system and these transitions are not noise induced. However,
the bimodal behavior in zone IV is completely noise induced. In fact, because f ( A )is
a quadratic function, the deterministic system is not bistable. For the bounds to induce
bistability, an unstable deterministic state should exist between 0 and 1, as in the case
of the bounded Takacs process ( Porporato and D'Odorico , 2004 ). In the present case,
such a state does not exist. Thus we conclude that multiplicative noise is able to create
new states that did not exist in the underlying deterministic dynamics.
Within a certain portion of the parameter space, the dynamics become bimodal, i.e.,
they exhibit two preferential states, whereas the deterministic system [i.e., Eq. ( 4.10 )]
has only one stable state. The emergence of bimodality indicates that, in this part
of the parameter space (zone IV), conditions favorable to tree-grass coexistence are
unstable, whereas woodland and grassland are alternative statistically stable states of
the system ( D'Odorico et al. , 2006b ). The emergence of this noise-induced bistability
causes a discontinuous response of the system to changes in parameter values, as
shown by the existence of threshold effects and hysteresis in the bifurcation diagram
in Fig. 4.10 . Subsection 4.3.2 shows how feedbacks between fires and vegetation may
enhance this noise-induced behavior.
4.3.2 Poisson harvest process with state-dependent harvest rate
In Subsection 4.3.1 we investigated the properties of a stochastic harvest model in
relation to the case of fire-vegetation dynamics in mesic savannas. Here we show
how a state-dependent rate
λ ( A ) of the Poisson process may induce other interesting
noise-induced behaviors in the dynamics. The dependence of the probability of fire
λ on A has been well documented (e.g., van Wilgen et al. , 2003 )and
is due to the fact that in savannas the fuel load is contributed by grass biomass.
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