Environmental Engineering Reference
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t 1
t 2
t 3
Figure 3.29. Schematic representation of noise-induced transport. At time t 1 the
noise is weak and particles are concentrated in the well A. When the noise becomes
dominant (time t 2 ), particles spread across the potential barriers. Finally, when the
noise is again reduced (time t 3 ), the asymmetry of the potential means that particles
tend to accumulate more in the well located to the right of well A. Thus a net positive
where A
1 and sign(
)isthe signum function [i.e., sign( z )
1if z
0; sign( z )
0]. Equation ( 3.75 ) expresses a steplike behavior, with noise intensity
jumping between 2 s gn T (1
1if z
A )and2 s gn T (1
/2. It is possible
to demonstrate ( Reimann , 2002 ) that, in this case, for a large set of parameters,
A ) every half-period
φ =
These conditions are associated with the occurrence of net transport.
To understand the physical mechanisms causing net transport, we consider the case
in which (i) T (1
T (1
V is the height of the potential
barrier (defined as in Fig. 3.17 ), and (ii) the noise intensity has a period
A )
A ), where
greater than
the time scale of the intrawell deterministic dynamics (see Subsection 3.3.1 ). Under
these conditions, the dynamics of
can be schematized as an alternation of the three
phases, sketched in Fig. 3.29 : When the noise level is low, the deterministic component
of the dynamics prevails. Thus the values of
tend to concentrate in correspondence
to the minima of the potential [see Fig. 3.29 (a)]. Conversely, during the phase with
high noise levels, the dynamics are dominated by the random component, whereas
the shape of the potential has only a weak effect on the process. In these conditions
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