Agriculture Reference
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plants. The potential for increased profits from clonal techniques arises from
their capacity to capture and utilize genetic variation. The consequent
uniformity in the crop is advantageous in terms of maximizing quality, meeting
market specifications and increasing productivity, but it may also increase the
risks of pest and disease problems; consequently, risk avoidance through
the diversification of the clonal production population is a crucial component of
the strategies presented. The application of these strategies should lead to
benefits that encompass many of the rural development goals of development
agencies, as specified in the Millennium Development Goals of the United
Nations. Achieving these benefits will, however, require the large-scale
adoption of the techniques and strategies presented here in ways that will meet
the needs both of farmers and also those of new and emerging markets. This
makes it important to ensure that policy makers get the message about good
domestication strategies (e.g. Wynberg et al ., 2003).
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screening provenances in Malawi and
Zambia. In: Rao, M.R. and Kwesiga, F.R.
(eds) Agroforestry Impacts on Livelihoods
in Southern Africa: Putting Research into
Practice . World Agroforestry Centre
(ICRAF), Nairobi, pp. 85-92.
Akinnifesi, F.K., Kwesiga, F., Mhango, J.,
Chilanga, T., Mkonda, A., Kadu, C.A.C.,
Kadzere, I., Mithofer, D., Saka, J.D.K.,
Sileshi, G., Ramadhani, T. and Dhliwayo,
P. (2006) Towards the development of
miombo fruit trees as commercial tree
crops in southern Africa. Forests, Trees
and Livelihoods 16, 103-121.
Amin, M.N. and Jaiswal, V.S. (1993) In vitro
response of apical bud explants from
mature trees of jackfruit ( Artocarpus het-
erophyllus ). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ
Culture 33, 59-65.
Atangana, A.R., Ukafor, V., Anegbeh, P.O.,
Asaah, E., Tchoundjeu, Z., Usoro, C.,
Fondoun, J.-M., Ndoumbe, M. and Leakey,
R.R.B. (2002) Domestication of Irvingia
gabonensis . 2. The selection of multiple
traits for potential cultivars from Cameroon
and Nigeria. Agroforestry Systems
Barany, M., Hammett, A.L., Leakey, R.R.B.
and Moore, K.M. (2003) Income generat-
ing opportunities for smallholders affected
by HIV/AIDS: linking agro-ecological
change and non-timber forest product
markets. Journal of Management Studies
39, 26-39.
Dick, J.McP. and Dewar, R. (1992) A mecha-
nistic model of carbohydrate dynamics dur-
ing adventitious root development in leafy
cuttings. Annals of Botany 70, 371-377.
Ewald, D. and Kretzschmar, U. (1996) The
influence of micrografting in vitro on tissue
culture behavior and vegetative propaga-
tion of old European larch trees. Plant Cell,
Tissue and Organ Culture 44, 249-252.
Foster, G.S. and Bertolucci, F.L.G. (1994)
Clonal development and deployment:
strategies to enhance gain while minimiz-
ing risk. In: Leakey, R.R.B. and Newton,
A.C. (eds) Tropical Trees: Potential for
Domestication and the Rebuilding of Forest
Resources . HMSO, London, pp. 103-111.
Hartmann, H.T., Kester, D.E., Davis, F.T. and
Geneve, R.L. (2002) Plant Propagation:
Principles and Practices , 7th edn. Prentice-
Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,
880 pp.
Hoad, S.P. and Leakey, R.R.B. (1994) Effects
of light quality on gas exchange and dry
matter partitioning in Eucalyptus grandis
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