Agriculture Reference
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trees from four populations in the humid
lowlands of Cameroon. Food , Agriculture
and Environment 2, 340-346.
Weber, J.C., Sotelo Montes, C., Vidaurre, H.,
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Participatory domestication of agroforestry
trees: an example from the Peruvian
Wiersum, K.F. (1996) Domestication of valuable
tree species in agroforestry systems: evolu-
tionary stages from gathering to breeding. In:
Leakey, R.R.B., Temu, A.B., Melnyk, M. and
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Commercialisation of Non-timber Forest
products in Agroforestry Systems. Non-wood
Forest Products No. 9 . FAO, Rome,
pp. 147-159.
Development in Practice
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