Agriculture Reference
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What about the conservation of genetic resources? Most institutional
programmes suffer from lack of funds for conservation (van Leeuwen et al .,
2005) and successful development of a native fruit is no guarantee that this will
change - even though the idea of conservation-through-use is widespread. In
contrast, however, Cornelius et al . (2006) showed that participatory
improvement can successfully conserve genetic resources, not only because
their use encourages their conservation, but also because of the large numbers
involved - numbers that most institutions working with native fruits are unable
to manage. We feel that participatory improvement offers other advantages
also and are glad to see this practice expanding in Amazonia.
We are grateful to Alindo Chuquipoma Diaz, INIA, Tarapoto, Peru; Carlos
Oliva, IIAP, Pucallpa, Peru; Fimo Alemán, BASFOR, Cochabamba, Bolivia;
and Blas Garcia, CIAT Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia, for information on fruit
improvement activities at their respective institutions. We also thank the editors
for their encouragement and patience.
Brodie, A.W., Labarta-Chavarri, R.A. and
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Management and Use On-farm in the
Peruvian Amazon: A Case Study from the
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and International Centre for Research in
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Brondizio, E. (2004) From staple to fashion
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ties in the development of the açaí palm
fruit economy in the Amazon estuary. In:
Zarin, D.J., Alavalapati, J.R.R., Putz, F.
and Schmink, M. (eds) Working Forest in
the Neotropics . Columbia University
Press, New York, pp. 339-365.
Calzada, B.J. (1980) 143 Frutales Nativos .
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina,
Facultad de Agronomia, El Estudiante,
Calzavara, B.B.G. (1970) Fruteiras: abiu,
mamey, bacuri, biribá, cupuaçu. Série
Culturas da Amazônia 1(2), 45-84, Instituto
de Pesquisas e Estudos Agronômicos do
Norte, Belém, Pará.
Christinck, A., Weltzien, E. and Hoffmann, V.
(2005) Introduction. In: Christinck, A.,
Weltzien, E. and Hoffmann, V. (eds) Setting
Breeding Objectives and Developing Seed
Systems with Farmers . Margraf Publishers,
Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 11-24.
Clement, C.R. (1997) Environmental impacts
of, and biological and socio-economic limita-
tions on new crop development in Brazilian
Amazonia. In: Smartt, J. and Haq, N. (eds)
Domestication, Production and Utilization
of New Crops . International Centre for
Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK,
pp. 134-46.
Clement, C.R. (1999) 1492 and the loss of
Amazonian crop genetic resources. I. The
relation between domestication and human
population decline. Economic Botany 53,
Clement, C.R. (2004) Fruits. In: Prance, G.T.
and Nesbitt, M. (eds) The Cultural History
of Plants . Routledge, London, pp. 77-95.
Clement, C.R. (2006) Fruit trees and the tran-
sition to food production in Amazonia. In:
Balée, W. and Erickson, C.L. (eds) Time and
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