Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Construction process
As contractors, it has often been our experience that details have been received from build-
ing designers that are impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to construct using hemp-
crete. It is strongly recommended that anyone designing or detailing a hempcrete building
should first visit a site where the placing of hempcrete is in progress. This will enable the
designer to get a better understanding of the construction process and gain first-hand ex-
perience of the consistency of hempcrete, which should lead to a realization of the practic-
alities of placing it, especially in tight or difficult-to-reach spaces.
To start the designer along this train of thought, some common issues that come up time
and time again are outlined as follows.
The trickiest part of a hempcrete wall to construct is the top. A great advantage of framed
buildings is that the roof can be constructed as soon as the frame is up, in order to pro-
tect the frame and other work in progress beneath it. This is especially an advantage when
building with hempcrete, which needs to be protected from exposure to rain during con-
struction. However, it does pose a problem when it comes to placing the hempcrete at the
top of the wall under the eaves with the roof already in place.
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