Civil Engineering Reference
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include cutting pieces to length, or removing old shuttering and collecting the screws and
spacers, under the direction of the shuttering team.
At times, especially on a busy site, it can be helpful to stagger breaks so that the shuttering
team can get a 'head start' on the shuttering before the others come back and get the next
mix on.
The balancing act: summary
If the issues outlined in the scenarios described here are spotted by, or communicated to,
the supervisor as soon as they appear, then the number of people assigned to each team can
be adjusted accordingly to keep the speed of work going at its full potential. This might
take a while to sort out if you haven't managed a hempcrete build before, but it soon be-
comes apparent how the flow of people can be managed to ensure that there isn't too much
standing around.
After a while, experienced teams can even start to readjust themselves as necessary, adapt-
ing flexibly to the fluctuating demands throughout the day, based on their assessment of
what is happening at any particular time and on the skills of each individual.
This concept of switching people between the teams is key to a successful build, particu-
larly on a large job. It makes it even more important, in teams that include people with dif-
ferent levels of skill, and possibly volunteers, that a good level of supervision is maintained
by the experienced team members, so that mistakes are avoided and the overall quality of
work is kept consistent.
Smaller builds
While the process described on the previous page, of streamlining the placement of hemp-
crete, is important on larger, commercial builds, self-builders and those on smaller builds
will be able to work at a more relaxed pace, with fewer people. A smaller build might in-
volve only two to four people in total; everyone might first be involved in putting up a run
of shuttering, then all work together to mix and place the hempcrete.
For the mixing and placing stage, one person can run up a couple of bell mixers at a time,
while the other two or three people ferry and place the hempcrete. Another person can act
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