Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Coloured breathable render at The Triangle, Swindon.
If using permanent shuttering, which is constructed from a breathable plaster carrier board,
the finish required for these will be different from that for direct application to hempcrete,
as the boards have joints and fixings to cover. You will probably be able to purchase suit-
able carrier boards from your lime supplier, especially if using a wood wool board or sim-
ilar. The supplier will recommend a preferred breathable plaster system for use on these
boards, usually including a basecoat with reinforcing mesh, and a topcoat. Where speci-
fied, these systems should be followed; for boards where no system is specified, the ex-
ample basic plaster system shown in the table on page 237 can be used, with the addition
of reinforcing mesh (see page 242 ).
Becoming adept in the use of wet natural finishes, to the point where you are able to spe-
cify and apply them and adapt their use for all types of substrates and in different circum-
stances, requires specialist training and years of practice. However, gaining enough know-
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