Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Wood wool board's open structure provides good breath-
ability and an excellent key for lime plaster, just like
Clearly the use of materials manufactured in Europe as opposed to the UK can be said to
have a greater environmental impact in terms of transport to the UK, but this can be off-
set by the fact that there is a higher requirement on companies operating in Continental
Europe to provide full disclosure about embodied carbon than exists in the UK currently.
However, it should be remembered that, despite being made from natural materials, all of
these products are highly processed manufactured materials, which can only add to the car-
bon emissions represented by the build. Permanent shuttering, unless using spray-applied
hempcrete, is an 'optional extra' within a hempcrete building design. The most sustainable
way of building with hempcrete is to cast a simple hempcrete wall and apply finishes dir-
ect to the hempcrete.
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