Civil Engineering Reference
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In cases of mild irritation caused through exposure, wash the skin immediately with plenty
of water (but not soap, which could cause further irritation). Remove and wash any con-
taminated clothing.
In cases where prolonged exposure, or exposure to very wet lime, has caused severe irrit-
ation, apply a topical treatment such as a strong over-the-counter dermatitis cream. Some
people swear by a strong solution of water and white vinegar, based on the theory that
since the vinegar is acidic it can help to neutralize any active lime left in the damaged skin.
Feel free to try this and judge for yourself, but bear in mind that rubbing even a mild acid
into damaged and inflamed skin might well do more harm than good! If topical treatment
does not cure the inflammation and pain, seek medical attention.
If lime gets in a cut, you should feel it immediately, as it is quite painful. Stop what you
are doing and wash the cut thoroughly with lots of clean water until the pain reduces. Seek
medical attention if you are still in pain.
If lime gets in your eyes you will be in excruciating pain. Speed is essential. Wash the
particles out immediately using eye wash or clean water, until you have got everything out.
It's usually best to get someone else to help with this, as they will be able to see your eye
better than you can. Also, owing to pain and panic, the person affected does not usually
have the steadiest hands at this point. Even if you think you have got it all out, seek med-
ical attention to be on the safe side. It's your vision at stake.
If you cannot get all the particles out of the eye despite washing with water or eye wash,
go straight to the nearest Accident and Emergency department.
Nose and throat
In the unlikely event that you inhale significant amounts of binder or lime powder, wash
out your throat and nose with clean water for at least 20 minutes, being sure to spit it all
out, and then seek medical attention as a precaution.
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