Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Main hazards
There are no particular hazards associated with the hemp shiv, although some people may
find that they are sensitive to the dusty particles contained within it. However, shiv for
building should contain an absolute minimum of small dust particles; also, the only time
that dry bales are opened should be when mixing the hempcrete, and the person doing this
will in any case be wearing a mask for protection from the binder dust.
The lime in the hempcrete binder, on the other hand, is a strong alkali, and in its dry dust
form it can cause irritation to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
When wet, lime can cause contact burns to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
The most serious hazard is lime coming into contact with the eyes: this has the potential
to cause serious health problems, including loss of eyesight. Any case of lime getting into
someone's eyes should be treated very seriously and without delay (see page 114 ) .
Dust is inevitable where binder is stored.
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