Civil Engineering Reference
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A large pan mixer is ideal for mixing hempcrete.
Long hose for water supply and for cleaning the mixer.
Gorilla Tubs (large-capacity, heavy-duty, lightweight, flexible containers - other
brands are also available). Ten or so; used for measuring water for the mixer and for
ferrying the mixed hempcrete, as well as for sweeping up into. The 30-litre size is most
useful, although it can be handy to have one or two of the 45-litre ones too.
Block, pulley and rope and a couple of strong clips such as climbing carabiners.
For lifting tubs of hempcrete up on to scaffolding.
Protective clothing and equipment. Including goggles, masks, gloves and protective
Stanley knife or similar. For opening bales of hemp and bags of binder.
Broom and shovel. For tidying up, obviously, but the broom is also handy for helping
the hemp down through the grille of a pan mixer.
A nail float, rough saw and powered multi-tool. For scratching back and shaping
hempcrete prior to finishing, and for cutting channels.
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