Civil Engineering Reference
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crete building in the UK, but there are signs that the market is opening up. We understand
that Vicat is currently in the process of formulating a hempcrete-specific binder based on
Prompt Natural Cement, and we know of at least two other companies that are also in the
process of developing a hempcrete-specific binder.
Some of the early literature on building with hemp included recipes for mixing your own
hempcrete binder. This is not something we have ever done in a commercial context, and
nor would we recommend it, for the following reasons:
It is much harder, when mixing dry ingredients yourself on a small scale, to ensure a
consistent mixture comparable to that achieved in a binder that has been blended using
purpose-built machinery.
Although potentially cheaper in terms of materials, it adds extra complication, and
therefore time and cost, to the build process.
For a commercial builder it would be very risky, as you would be taking on liability for
the manufacture and quality control of the product, as well as for your own workman-
ship in constructing the building.
The research, formulation and testing required to bring a home-made binder to a stage
where it would be advisable to use it in a real building would take a great deal of time
and financial commitment - something that very few people would find worthwhile.
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