Agriculture Reference
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the Department of Economics and Center for Agricultural and Rural Development at
Iowa State University. The views expressed herein are those of the authors, who do
not necessarily refl ect offi cial policy of the USDA or any other federal agency or
government entity.
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Calvin L , Cook R , Denbaly M , Dimitri C , Glaser L , Handy C , Jekanowski M , Kaufman P , Krissoff B ,
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Caswell J , Mojduszka E. 1996 . Using informational labeling to infl uence the market for quality in food
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Dong F , Jensen H. 2008 . Sanitation and hygiene defi ciencies as contributing factors in contamination of
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Golan E , Roberts T , Salay E , Caswell J , Ollinger M , Moore D . 2004 . Food safety innovation in the United
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Hennessy D , Roosen J , Jensen H . 2003 . Systemic failure in the provision of safe food . Food Policy
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Richards T , Patterson P. 1999 . The economic value of public relations expenditures: food safety and the
strawberry case . Journal of Agricultural Research Economics 24 : 440 - 62 .
Unnevehr L , Jensen H. 2005 . Industry costs to make food safe: now and under a risk - based system . In:
Hoffmann S , Taylor M , editors. Toward Safer Food: perspectives on risk and priority setting . Washington,
D.C. : Resources for the Future . p 105 - 28 .
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