Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
￿ Customer Complaint Procedure and Forms
￿ Hold and Release Plan and Forms
￿ Supplier Approval Program
￿ Regulatory Inspection Procedures
Employee Documents
￿ Employee Organizational Chart
￿ Employee Training Topics, Procedures and Training Log
￿ Employee Disciplinary Procedures and Incident Report Form
￿ List of Employee GMPs
￿ Blood Policy
￿ Visitor Procedures and GMPs List
Product Documents
￿ Raw Ingredient Description and Specifi cations
￿ Ingredient and Packaging Supply Letters of Guarantee
￿ Finished Product Specifi cations
￿ Label Samples and Description of Traceback Process
￿ Food Packaging Printing and Material Specifi cations
Processing Environment Documents
￿ Product Flow Chart
￿ Processing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
￿ Preoperational Inspection Form
￿ Daily Production Records
￿ Daily Quality Control Log
￿ Pest Control Log
￿ Receiving and Shipping Forms
￿ Truck Inspections and Logs
Sanitation and Maintenance Documents
￿ Self - Inspection Forms
￿ Preventive Maintenance Program and Forms
￿ MSDS Chemical Files and Chemical Inventory Log
Verifi cation
Some of the steps involved in the verifi cation of a food safety plan include third-party
audits, supplier approval programs, and microbiological guidelines. These programs
are primarily verifi cation steps, but they do have a role as monitoring processes over
time. For instance, the third-party audit scores and corrective actions could be moni-
tored over time to show improvement. Supplier approval ratings could be useful when
negotiations begin for a new season. There may be other verifi cation steps for fresh-
cut processors, but the three mentioned here are essential for management to use in
rounding out the basic food safety program.
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