Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Bacteria Are Everywhere
Harmful bacteria may be on fruits and vegetables, hands, kitchen counters, and sinks,
even when they look, feel, or smell clean.
At the Supermarket
￿ In the grocery cart, separate fruits and vegetables from meat, poultry, and fi sh to
avoid cross- contamination.
￿ When bagging fresh fruits and vegetables to take home from the supermarket, put
fresh produce and meat, poultry, and fi sh in separate bags .
Home Storage
￿ All cut or prepared fruits and vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator along
with many types of whole fruits and vegetables.
￿ When using the refrigerator, place produce in the produce drawer or on a clean
refrigerator shelf.
￿ Store meat, poultry, and fi sh in the clean meat drawer or on a tray on the bottom
shelf below other refrigerated foods. This prevents meat, poultry, or fi sh juices from
dripping on other foods.
Prepare the Kitchen
￿ Clean the sink with hot, soapy water or cleanser before and after washing and
preparing fresh fruits and vegetables.
￿ Always wash cutting boards and preparation areas before and after food preparation.
Wash preparation areas and utensils especially well after preparing meat, poultry,
or fi sh and before preparing foods that will be eaten without cooking.
￿ If possible, use one cutting board and preparation area for fruits and vegetables and
a different cutting board and preparation for meat, poultry, and fi sh.
￿ Always wash knives with hot soapy water after cutting meat, poultry, or fi sh before
cutting fresh fruits and vegetables; or, use different knives for cutting meat products
and fresh produce.
￿ Washing with soap or detergent removes soil and food, but it removes only some
bacteria. For additional safety, always sanitize cutting boards and food prepara-
tion areas after cutting meat, poultry, or fi sh, or any produce item with visible dirt
or any produce item that grows on or in the ground. Sanitize by one of the following
￿ Pour boiling water over the clean wood or plastic cutting boards for 20
￿ Rinse clean wood or plastic cutting boards with a solution of 1 teaspoon chorine
bleach in 1 quart (4 cups) of water.
￿ Place plastic cutting boards in the dishwasher and run, using normal cleaning
Wash Your Hands
Always wash hands with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after
handling fresh fruits and vegetables.
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