Agriculture Reference
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Figure 14.8. Representative samples of iceberg lettuce at day 41 of storage at 2.2 °C.
Conrol samples (a) show browning and spoilage, whereas samples stored in MAP (b)
are fresh and edible.
Figure 14.9. Comparison of bananas stored in MAP (top) versus control (bottom) at
days 6 (left), 9 (center), and 13 (right) stored at ambient temperature.
spots by Day 6, signifi cant browning by Day 13, and mold growth by Day 16 (shelf
life estimated as 3-5 days). In contradistinction, bananas stored in the polymer mem-
brane remained yellow, fi rm, and good-tasting at Day 13 (Fig. 14.9).
As demonstrated with iceberg lettuce and bananas, MAP systems based on the ssc
polymer membrane provides lower O 2 atmospheres to extend the shelf life of fresh
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