Agriculture Reference
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vibrations, and other factors; and acting as carriers for other functional ingredients,
such as antimicrobial compounds, antioxidant agents, phytochemicals, colorants, and
fl avor ingredients for reducing microbial loads, delaying oxidation and discoloration,
and improving quality and shelf life of fresh produce (Lin and Zhao 2007).
The use of edible fi lms and coatings as carriers of natural antimicrobials (such as plant
essential oils) constitutes an approach for external protection of fruits and vegetables
to reduce surface microbial populations and to enhance oxygen-barrier properties,
potentially increasing food safety as well as shelf life of highly perishable foods such
as fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Appropriately formulated edible fi lms and
coatings can be utilized for fresh produce to meet challenges associated with stable
quality, market safety, nutritional value, and economic production cost.
Amefi a AE , Abu - Ali JM , Barringer SA . 2006 . Improved functionality of food additives with electrostatic
coating . Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 7 ( 3 ): 176 - 181 .
Arvanitoyannis I , Gorris LGM . 1999 . Edible and biodegradable polymeric materials for food packaging or
coating. In: Processing Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment, edited by Oliveira FAR,
Oliveira JC , pp. 357 - 371 . CRC Press , Boca Raton, FL .
Aumo J , Warna J , Salmi T , Murzin DY . 2006 . Interaction of kinetics and internal diffusion in complex cata-
lytic three-phase reactions: activity and selectivity in citral hydrogenation. Chemical Engineering
Science 61 ( 2 ): 814 .
Avena - Bustillos RJ , Krochta JM , Saltveit ME . 1997 . Water vapor resistance of red delicious apples and
celery sticks coated with edible caseinate-acetylated monoglyceride fi lms. Journal of Food Science,
62 ( 2 ): 351 - 354 .
Avena - Bustillos RJ , Krochta JM , Saltveit ME , Rojas - Villegas RJ , y Sauceda - Perez JA . 1994 . Optimization
of edible coating formulations on zucchini to reduce water loss. Journal of Food Engineering
21 : 197 - 214 .
B é gin A , Van Calsteren MR . 1999 . Antimicrobial fi lms produced from chitosan. International Journal of
Biological Macromolecules 26 : 63 - 67 .
Benaventi - Garc í a O , Castillo J , Mar í í n FR , Ortuˇ o A , Del - R í o JA . 1998 . Uses and properties of citrus
fl avonoids . Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 45 : 4505 - 4515 .
Bowles BL , Juneja VK . 1998 . Inhibition of foodborne bacterial pathogens by naturally occurring food
additives . Journal of Food Safety 18 : 101 - 112 .
Bowles BL , Sackitey SK , Williams AC . 1995 . Inhibitory effects of fl avor compounds on Staphlococcus
aureus WRRC B124 . Journal of Food Safety 15 : 337 - 347 .
Burt S . 2004 . Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods — a review .
International Journal of Food Microbiology 94 ( 3 ): 223 - 253 .
Cagri A , Ustunol Z , Ryser ET . 2001 . Antimicrobial, mechanical, and moisture barrier properties of low pH
whey protein-based edible fi lms containing p-aminobenzoic or sorbic acids. Journal of Food Science
66 : 865 - 870 .
— — — . 2004 . Antimicrobial edible fi lms and coatings . Journal of Food Protection 67 : 833 - 48 .
Cha DS , Chinnan MS . 2004 . Biopolymer - based antimicrobial packaging: a review . Critical Reviews in
Food Science and Nutrition 44 : 223 - 237 .
Coma V , Sebti I , Pardon P , Deschamps A , Pichavant FH . 2001 . Antimicrobial edible packaging based on
cellulosic ethers, fatty acids, and nisin incorporation to inhibit Listeria innocua and Staphylococcus
aureus . Journal of Food Protection 64 ( 4 ): 470 - 475 .
Debeaufort F , Quezada - Gallo JA , Voilley A . 1998 . Edible fi lms and coatings: tomorrow's packagings: a
review . Critical Reviews in Food Science 38 : 299 - 313 .
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