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Acknowledgments. The studies reported in this review could not have been
performed without the precious collaboration of Drs. Roland Tubiana, Ait
Hocine Mohand, Marc-Antoine Valantin, Claudine Duvivier, and Pr. Christine
Katlama in the Service des Maladies Infectieuses, of Drs. Vincent Calvez, Con-
stance Delaugerre, and Pr. Henri Agut in Laboratoire de Virologie at HÃ pital
PitiÂ-SalpÂtriÁre; Dominique Mathez and Jacques Leibowitch in the Laboratoire
d'Immuno-virologie, HÃ pital Raymond PoincarÂ, Garches; Guy Gorochov,
BÂhazine CombadiÁre, Catherine Blanc, Nadia Alatrakchi, Fernanda Grassi,
Bernard Piqueras, Pierre Grenot, Evelyne Lefranc, and Isabelle Porcher in the
Laboratoire d'Immunologie Cellulaire, CNRS UMR 7627, directed by Pr.
Patrice Debr at Hà pital PitiÂ-SalpÂtriÁre.
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Carcelain G, Blanc C, Leibowitch J, Mariot P, Mathez D, Schneider V, Saimot AG, Damont F,
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