Biology Reference
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F i g u r e 17.2. (A) Human PBMC induced to express Fas ligand were analyzed for surface expres-
sion of Fas ligand with biotinylated anti-Fas ligand Alf-2.1 monoclonal antibodies and control
biotinylated murine IgG1 using either the standard technology (left panel ) or enzymatic ampli®ca-
tion technology (right panel ). (B) The Fas ligand positive and negative cells were sorted on a EPICS
Elite cell sorter (Beckman Coulter, Hialeah, FL). The sort was veri®ed by reanalysis of the sorted
cells. The Fas ligand positive and negative cells were assessed for Fas ligand apoptotic capability in
a DNA fragmentation assay and the results shown in lytic units.
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