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Figure 15.2. (A) Expansion of tetramer-positive cells in response to Pol peptide-speci®c stimula-
tion in bulk culture. There is increased expression of CD38, HLA-DR, and CD69 on expanded
antigen-speci®c CD8 cells, but lack of CD28 surface expression. These markers were related to
high Pol-speci®c CTL lysis. ( B) Increased CD38 antigen expression and low CD28 expression in
response to Pol-speci®c stimulus in two other patients.
dence has shown, however, that a small population of CD45RA-expressing
cells do express TCR capable of binding peptide/MHC complexes (Gillespie et
al., 2000; Lee et al., 1999). Measurement of acute and chronic cell activation
expression has opened the question of which surface marker could correlate
with e¨ector CTL function. An association of CTL with increased CD38 anti-
gen expression has been made for some time (Mocroft et al., 1997), with evi-
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