Biology Reference
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F i g u r e 13.4. E¨ects of TNF-a and CHX on mitochondria in U937 and U1 cells. Note that HIV-
infected cells display a lower sensitivity to the apoptotic agents used. Numbers indicate the per-
centage of cells with depolarized mitochondria, present in the lower right part of the panels.
F i g u r e 13.5. Analysis of early apoptosis (using Annexin-V FITC) and mitochondrial membrane
potential (analyzed with MT) in U1 cells after 2 h of incubation with CHX followed by 4 h with
TNF-a. Numbers indicate the percentage of cells with high Dc and negative Annexin-V (upper left
quadrant), with high Dc and positive to annexin V (upper right quadrant), or with low Dc and
positive for annexin V (lower right quadrant). In a parallel experiment, the percentage of U937 in the
upper right quadrant was 14%, that in the lower right quadrant was 22%.
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