Biology Reference
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T A B L E 10.1. Examples of Use of Flow Cytometry to Study the Influence of
HIV-1 Infection of Human Alveolar Macrophages
Parameter Measured by Flow Cytometry
Surface expression of receptors
CD4 receptor
Guay et al., 1997; Park et al., 1999;
Wagner et al., 1992
CD 11b receptor
Wasserman et al., 1994
CD14 (LPS) receptor
Wasserman et al., 1994
CD54 (ICAM-1) receptor
Wasserman et al., 1994
CD71 (transferrin) receptor
Wasserman et al., 1994
CC, CXC chemokine receptors
Park et al., 1999; Worgall et al., 1999
TNF receptors
Skolnik et al., 2000
MHC class II receptors
Buhl et al., 1993; Wasserman et al., 1994;
Koziel et al., 1998a
Mannose receptor
Koziel et al., 1998a
Ieong et al., 2000
Oxidative burst response
Koziel et al., 2000
Intracellular expression of HIV-1 p24
Ieong et al., 2000
Characteristics of Alveolar Macrophages from HIV-Infected Persons
In contrast to alveolar CD4 T lymphocytes, which decline in number with
HIV-1 disease progression ( Bo®ll et al., 1998) similar to ®ndings in the periph-
eral blood, AM numbers are preserved and may be increased in >30% of in-
dividuals (Agostini et al., 1991b). AM from HIV-infected persons with active
pulmonary disease demonstrate higher proportions of monocyte-like surface
markers CD11b, CD14, and CD53, suggesting cells recently recruited into the
alveolar airspace perhaps in response to the infectious process ( Wasserman et
al., 1994).
AM from HIV-infected persons contain HIV-1 proviral DNA ( Koziel et al.,
1999). Previous studies suggest that 0.1±10% of AM from HIV-infected persons
demonstrate evidence for proviral HIV-1 DNA (Lebargy et al., 1994), indi-
cating latent infection. More recent studies suggest that the proportion of AM
in HIV-infected individuals may exceed 10% (Koziel et al., 1999). The ability to
isolate HIV-1 from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cell specimens in general
correlates with clinical severity and HIV-1 disease progression (Je¨rey et al.,
1991; Koziel et al., 1999; Sierra-Madero et al., 1994).
HIV-1 Infection of Alveolar Macrophages
AM can be infected with HIV in vitro ( Ieong et al., 2000; Salahuddin et al.,
1986) ( Fig. 10.1). AM express CD4 receptors as well as chemokine receptors
CCR3, CCR5, and CXCR4 (Park et al., 1999) ( Fig. 10.2), all recognized im-
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