Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
9.1. Properties and Functions of NK Cells
General Properties
. Lymphocytes from healthy individuals exhibit spontaneous cytotoxicity
. NK cells isolated from human peripheral blood kill certain targets (cancer, virally
. NK cells mediate ADCC through the CD16 receptor
. Antigen nonspeci®c
. No clonal speci®city
. No MHC restriction
. No immunological memory
. Dependent on intact bone marrow but not thymus
. No expression of T- or B-cell surface receptors
. Express inhibitory and activating receptors
. Light buoyant density (separate on Ficoll)
. De®ned as LGL (high plasma to nucleus ratio)ÐAzurophilic granules
. Constitute 3±15% of peripheral blood lymphocytes
. Do not appear to recirculate
. NK activity augmented by various stimuli (microbial, IL-2, IL-12, IL-15,
interferon [IFN]-a, etc.)
. Augmented activity per cell basis; proliferation of percursors; redistribution
. NK interacts with endothelial cells (NK LFA-1ÐICAM-1)
. Mature NK cells are short lived, half life 1±2 days
. After bone marrow transplantation, NK are ®rst to reconstitute
NK Cell Functions
. Natural resistance against microbial and viral infections (important player in
non-adaptive immunity)
. Readily and rapidly responsive to biological response modi®ers
. Mediate killing of tumor cells in tissues by several distinct mechanisms
. Poised to produce a variety of cytokines
. Endowed with receptors that facilitate entry into solid tissues
. Exercises immunoregulatory control with respect to other immune cells
NK cells are present in the immature CD3 ÿ CD4 ÿ CD8 ÿ thymocyte subset
isolated from the postnatal thymus. Further, polyclonal or clonal populations
can be isolated from human thymus that express phenotypic and functional
features that are intermediate between T and NK cells ( Poggi and Minagari,
Several reports have investigated the di¨erentiation of NK cells. The lack of
rearrangement of genes encoding antigen-speci®c receptors (Ig and TCR) dis-
tinguishes NK cells from B and T lymphocytes. Hence, mice de®cient in genes
encoding enzymes involved in recombination of antigen-speci®c receptors (e.g.,
RAG-2) lack both B and T lymphocytes but possess normal NK cells (Shinkai
et al., 1992). In contrast, mice de®cient in genes necessary for the development
of lymphoid cells (e.g., Ikaros) failed to develop mature NK cells and T and B
lymphocytes (Georgopoulos et al., 1994). These ®ndings suggest the presence of
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