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Finally, this is not a general topic on Objective-C and iOS best practices. In particular,
I'm going to be doing the bare minimum as far as UI treatments go. There are a ton of
good topics on how to make beautiful iOS applications, and this topic isn't about that.
It's about the messy backend and logistical stuff that makes Enterprise applications
work. Doing a lot of cavorting with UIViewContainers would only clutter up the pro-
gram listings, and distract from the code and concepts I'm trying to highlight.
For the same reason, you won't see me running a lot of strings through localization,
and I may even (gasp) forget to do the right thing with retain and release on occasion
(not that this will matter any more, once people have cut over to the automatic reference
count compiler!) I'm going to assume you know how to do both, and I'm going to try
to emphasize code clarity rather than pristine correctness.
Now that you know all the reasons that iOS enterprise development can drive you nuts,
let's go through each of the problems, chapter by chapter, and see what we can't do to
improve things.
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