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Code Coverage Is for Weenies
Does your company use Coverity to measure code complexity? Super, but Objective-
C isn't supported! What do you do when your manager asks you for code coverage
figures on your OCUnit tests, something that was broken for most of iOS 4 and just
came back to life in iOS 5? Smiling and offering chocolate chip cookies is only going
to get you so far.
Xcode and Objective-C are often the odd man out in enterprise development. Outside
of the Xcode tool chain, there's little to no commercial support for the language. And
the tools built into Xcode have a habit of breaking between releases. UIAutomation
broke for a while in early Xcode 4 builds, and there are features still limping along in
it, a year later.
By picking and choosing (and with a little elbow grease), you can get most of the metrics
that your company might demand of you. Chapter 5 takes you through code coverage,
CCN metrics, and other associated issues with testing.
iTunes Connect Is a Great Way to Keep Your Legal Staff
Ever had to run a contract through your legal department? Are you still waiting to get
it back? Before you can do anything with products in iTunes, there's a passel of paper-
work you'll need to wade through, especially if you plan to charge for your app. There
are also ongoing issues that you should think about and discuss with your management
before embarking on an iOS development project.
Beyond that, there are questions you'll need to think about in regards to internation-
alization, product messaging (at which point marketing will get involved), how to
demonstrate the product, and a host of other issues to consider. Chapter 6 , although
by no means a comprehensive checklist, does try to hit the high points on what to watch
out for as you move your product into the store.
You Can Have Any Style of Distribution, as Long as it's iTunes
Now we come to the most interesting issue, as far as enterprise distribution goes. Apple,
unlike the other mobile platforms, has a “my way or the highway” approach to appli-
cation distribution. You can put your app in the store, distribute it in-house with major
restrictions, create an Ad Hoc build for up to 100 devices, distributing it inside your
own company using an Enterprise license, and…well, that's it. Significantly, there's no
way for a developer to create an application for a diverse population of customers that
they can install directly, without downloading it directly from the App Store.
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