Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-5. TestFlight home page
Now, here's the really slick part. TestFlight has a public API that lets you automatically
upload new versions of the app from your build process. You get an API key on the
TestFlight site, and then incorporate it into your build using HTTP. For example, using
curl , you could do it like this:
curl \
-F file=@BuggyWhip.ipa \
-F api_token='asfasjfaslfaslfkasldfja' \
-F team_token='asdfkasdfsdflkajsaksdjfh' \
-F notes='<releasenotes' \
-F notify=True\
-F distribution_lists='QA-People'
This uploads the BuggyWhip.ipa file using the assigned api and team tokens you got
from the TestFlight site, taking the notes for the release from a file called releasenotes
and sending a notification to everyone on the TestFlight QA-People team. I've gone so
far as to have my build script automatically pull the last commit message out of the
source control system and use that as the release note message, so the testers know
what bug fixes or features might be in the latest build.
I can't recommend strongly enough that you consider using TestFlight (or a similar
service) for managing your test infrastructure. It has made my life—and the life of my
testers—significantly less stressful.
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