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1.4.6 SAS Toolbar File Option, the Gateway to the SAS Export / Import
The SAS view shown in Figure 1.4.6 is an image from Windows XP and SAS 9.3. It shows the toolbar
“File” option selected and the resulting pop-up menu. This figure will be referenced for both this example
and the example for the next section.
Figure 1.4.6: View of the SAS Toolbar File Pop-Up Menu.
The actual menu that is shown using the “File” option in the SAS toolbar varies. What is shown depends
upon the screen that is the currently active screen.
When no SAS dataset is highlighted in the SAS Explorer window, the selection of the “File”
option on the SAS toolbar will show a pop-up menu (Figure 1.4.6). That menu, among other
things, has two options that read and write external files.
When a SAS dataset is highlighted in the SAS Explorer window, the selection of the “File” option
on the SAS toolbar will show a pop-up menu similar to Figure 1.4.6 except that the following
options are not available.
Page Setup …
Print setup …
Print Preview
Print …
These two options “Expo r t Data” and “ I mport Data” start the SAS Export wizard and the SAS Import
wizard, respectively. The variations within the wizards are slight and depend upon SAS version and
operating system installed on your computer.
Note that Example 1.4.7 and Example 1.4.8 below write data to and read data from the same external Excel
file. If you want to use these exact examples you must use the SAS Export wizard to write the Excel file
before you can use the SAS Import wizard to read it. The SAS Export wizard asks for the SAS dataset first,
and then asks for the external file name and location. The SAS Import wizard asks for an external file to
import and then a SAS dataset to create.
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