Database Reference
In-Depth Information
// insert new test data
context.ExecuteStoreCommand(@"insert into
chapter9.client(Name, Email)
values ('Jerry Jones',' ')");
Add a Windows Console Application to the solution. This will be our test client. Use the
code shown in Listing 9-37 to implement our test client. Add a service reference to our
WCF service.
Listing 9-37. Our Windows console application test client
using Recipe8Client.ServiceReference1;
namespace Recipe8Client
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var serviceClient = new Service1Client())
var client = serviceClient.GetClient();
Console.WriteLine("Client is: {0} at {1}",
client.Name, client.Email);
client.Name = "Alex Park";
client.Email = " " ;
client = serviceClient.GetClient();
Console.WriteLine("Client changed to: {0} at {1}",
client.Name, client.Email);
Following is the output of our test client:
Client is: Jerry Jones at
Client changed to: Alex Park at
How It Works
Microsoft recommends using POCO objects with WCF to simplify serialization of the entity object. However, if your
application is using POCO objects with changed-based notification (you have marked properties as virtual and
navigation property collections are of type ICollection), then Entity Framework will create dynamic proxies for entities
returned from queries.
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