Database Reference
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Figure 8-4. A simple model for traffic tickets, the offending vehicles, and the details of the violation
To enable lazy loading, you don't need to do anything. Lazy loading is enabled by default when an Entity Data
Model is added into a Visual Studio project. The code in Listing 8-5 illustrates this approach.
Listing 8-5. Entity Classes Generation and Properties Set to Virtual: A Default Behavior of Entity Framework
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void RunExample()
using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
var vh1 = new Vehicle { LicenseNo = "BR-549" };
var t1 = new Ticket { IssueDate = DateTime.Parse("06/10/13") };
var v1 = new Violation
Description = "20 MPH over the speed limit",
Amount = 125M
var v2 = new Violation
Description = "Broken tail light",
Amount = 50M
t1.Vehicle = vh1;
var vh2 = new Vehicle { LicenseNo = "XJY-902" };
var t2 = new Ticket { IssueDate = DateTime.Parse("06/12/13") };
var v3 = new Violation
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