Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Name = productRec.Name,
CategoryName = categoryRec.Name
List<ProductVM> lstProduct = new List<ProductVM>();
foreach(var record in query)
ProductVM productValue = new ProductVM();
productValue.Name = record.Name;
productValue.CategoryName = record.CategoryName;
return View(lstProduct);
Figure 4-17. Using the route /Product/Tents , the result set is filtered to the Tents category
Figure 4-18. Using the route /Product/Cooking Equipment , the result set is filtered to the Cooking Equipment category
How It Works
In the Application_Start() event handler in Global.asax , we mapped the route /Product/{name} to the /Product/
Index?name=category . The route key, category , is bound to the actual category string in the URL. In the Product
controller, we used the name route key in a MapRoute to filter the result set to filter those products in the given category.
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