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+ oligofructose mixture than in the placebo group, but no significant difference was
seen between the oligofructose group and the placebo group. The authors concluded
that modest intakes of an inulin + oligofructose mixture increases calcium absorp-
tion in girls at or near menarche. 154
Scholz-Ahrens et al. 5 reported that prebiotics are the most promising, but also
best investigated substances with respect to a bone health-promoting potential, com-
pared with probiotics and synbiotics.
18.4.2 obesity and Diabetes
Although the etiology of obesity and diabetes is complex, diet clearly plays an
important role both in development and management of these diseases. 11 This mainly
involves food products that help in management of hunger, increase satiety, and
stimulate energy expenditure. Recently, Yadav et al. 157 reported that the probiotic
dahi (yogurt)-supplemented diet significantly delayed the onset of glucose intoler-
ance, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, and oxidative stress in high
fructose-induced diabetic rats, indicating a lower risk of diabetes and its complica-
tions. Ludwig et al. 158 found that high dietary fiber (prebiotics) has a protective effect
against weight gain. Functional foods have also been reported to ameliorate diabetes
by improving insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels.
18.5 ProbIoTICs As vACCINE CArrIErs
Delivery of vaccine antigens by live bacterial carriers has resulted in the elimi-
nation of humoral and cellular responses at the level of both systemic and mucosal
compartments. Commensal lactic acid bacteria is being exploited to deliver vaccines
and other biologically active material to the GIT. 159 Their use for vaccine delivery
is of special value because they provide protection at the site of pathogen entry,
and their immunomodulative effect makes them an attractive model antigen delivery
vehicle or de novo vaccines. The advantages of lactic acid bacteria delivery includes
ease of administration, survival in the gastric acid, inherent safety, particulate nature,
economic technology in that the bacteria manufacture the vaccine or therapeutic
agents. Lactococcus lactis and L. plantarum are being used as a means of antigen
delivery for mucosal immunization. Novel high-efficacy Lactobacillus expression
vectors have been designed to allow antigen expression intracellularly, extracellu-
larly, or secreted and anchored to the surface. 160 These expression vectors have been
used successfully to construct different Lactobacillus- expressing antigens, such as
tetanus toxin fragment C (TTFC), several rotavirus proteins, or urease A and B sub-
units from H. pylori . 161
Several recent publications report potential of probiotic vaccine vectors, for
example, Lactococcus lactis prototype vaccine against H. pylori, 161 Brucella abor-
tis, 162 Streptococcus gordonii prototype vaccines against HIV 163 and measles. 164
Lactobacillus prototype vaccines against anthrax 165 and rotavirus 166 are under devel-
opment. Intrinsic immunogenicity as well as resistance to bile acid and persistence
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