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Pascher et
al., 2008 31
frequency of
6 adult german
shorthair pointers
with nonspeciic
dietary sensitivity
(4.5 yr of age;
30.8 ± 2.0 kg)
dry kibble diet
L. acidophilus dsM
13241 (6 × 10 6 cfu/g
dry dog food)
improved frequency of
defecation (~70% 1-2
defecations per d vs. 50%
1-2 defecations per d no
probiotic), fecal consistency
(~70% fecal score 3 (ideal)
vs. ~45% fecal score 3 no
probiotic), and fecal dM
Main dietary ingredients:
Poultry meal
fecal quality
added post-extrusion
total tract nutrient
fecal C.
perfringens ,
Escherichia spp.,
lactobacilli, and
Chemical composition:
Control diet
27.2 % CP
8.8 % crude fat
2.0 % Cf
numerical increases in
lactobacilli (6.2%) and
biidobacteria (6.6%)
Probiotic diet
28.1 % CP
8.8 % crude fat
1.8 % Cf
numerical decreases in C.
perfringens (4%) and
Escherichia spp. (1.4%)
time on treatment: 12 wk
Note: bCs, body condition score; bW, body weight; CbC, complete blood count; CdV, canine distemper virus; Cf, crude iber; cfu, colony-forming units;
CP, crude protein; dgge, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; dM, dry matter; fCV, feline calicivirus; fHV, feline herpes virus; fisH, luores-
cence in situ hybridization; fPV, feline panleukopenia virus; iga, immunoglobulin a; igg, immunoglobulin g; igM, immunoglobulin M; iL-5, inter-
leukin-5; iL-10, interleukin-10; Lab, lactic acid bacteria; Lgg, Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain gg; rbC, red blood cells; tdf, total dietary iber;
WbC, white blood cell.
* P < 0.10.
** P < 0.05.
*** P < 0.001.
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