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It can be concluded that, analogous to the strain specificity of the probiotic proper-
ties, the prebiotic effects are specific to the components used.
16.2.4 synbiotics
Products containing both probiotics and prebiotics have been termed synbiot-
ics. A synbiotic is a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics that beneficially affects
the host by improving the survival and implantation of live microbial dietary
supplements in the GI tract, by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activat-
ing the metabolism of one or limited number of health-promoting bacteria, and
thus improving host welfare. 55 Trials demonstrating the application of synbiotics
in elderly people are limited. Bartosch et al. 30 performed a study with a synbiotic
product containing two Bifidobacterium strains ( B. lactis BL-01 and B. bifidum
BB-02) and inulin-based prebiotic. The consumption of the symbiotic product
increased the size and diversity of fecal bifidobacteria and increased lactobacilli
numbers. The characterization of bifidobacterial species revealed that the rise of
total bifidobacterial numbers was most likely due to the consorted effect of both
ingested probiotic strains and the stimulation of indigenous bifidobacteria by pre-
biotic compounds.
16.3 suMMAry AND CoNCluDINg rEMArks
Our understanding of microbiota has improved stage by stage along with the
methodological improvements. In the future, large-scale studies with detailed
microbiota descriptions will become possible and this will tremendously increase
our knowledge on the human intestinal microbiota including the microbiota in
elderly individuals and the possibilities to modulate it. Probiotic and prebiotics are
aimed at modulating the intestinal microbiota, promoting intestinal health, enhanc-
ing immunity and thereby improving general well-being and quality of life. The
results obtained so far, particularly with probiotics, are encouraging and further
clinical trials seem justified to establish the place of probiotic and prebiotic supple-
ments in elderly subjects. Research on the elucidation of mechanisms of probiotic
and prebiotic actions proceeds rapidly. In the future, a better understanding of the
mechanisms of host-microbiota cross-talk and of the role of the human and pro-
biotic genomes as well as the whole microbiota genome (microbiome) will help
to select optimal product components for elderly people. 56 The future probiotic,
prebiotic, and synbiotic products thus will be more tailored to meet the require-
ments of this specific target group. Carefully selected combinations of probiotics
and prebiotics—synbiotic products—may offer optimal means for creating and
maintaining a healthy microbiota, functioning intestinal tract, and good nutrition
in all age groups.
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