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influence host health and well-being as discussed below; an overview is shown in
Figure 4.4. Bifidogenic Activity
The bifidobacteria-stimulating (bifidogenic) activity and the positive impact on
lactobacilli of GOS are well established. Many studies with healthy adult subjects
demonstrated increased numbers of bifidobacteria and/or lactobacilli in the feces
upon the consumption of GOS. 24-29 The bifidogenic activity has also been clearly
demonstrated with GOS-supplemented and GOS/1cFOS-supplemented (containing
90 percent GOS and 10 percent 1cFOS) formulas in term and preterm infants. 30-36
In many of the published studies in infants, a GOS/lcFOS mixture, containing 90
percent GOS and 10 percent lcFOS, was used.
For term infants, various clinical trials with GOS-supplemented infant formula
have been published. In general, the supplementation was shown to elicit a dose-
related bifidogenic response and increase in bifidobacterial predominance. 30-32,35 The
microbial diversity and composition of the microbiota of GOS/lcFOS-supplemented
infants was shown to closely resemble that of breastfed infants, also at the level of
the different Bifidobacterium species. 30 -32,35-38 In contrast, standard formula groups
harbor a more adultlike microbiota. At the end of a 6-week study, it was found that
the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli accounted for 80 percent of the fecal microbiota
in breastfed and GOS/lcFOS-supplemented groups while the percentage was only
50 percent in the standard formula group. The supplementation also gives rise to
such stool characteristics as pH, SCFA profiles, and consistency that more resemble
those of breastfed infants. 36,39 Administration of infant formulas containing GOS/
lcFOS to preterm infants gave similar results with increased fecal bifidobacteria and
softer stool consistency. 7 In addition, the number of pathogens in the fecal samples of
Retardation development
of colon cancer
Immune modulation
Pathogen inhibition
Improvement of
mineral absorption
Relief of constipation
Nutrition of enterocytes
Figure 4.4
schematic showing the various beneficial effects of gos. (adapted from
ouwehand, a.C. et al, 2005. 23 )
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