Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 19 Photographs of A the micropattern fabricated by the photolysis of ferrocene-
containing hb -P( 76 -XIII) using a copper negative mask and B the magnetoceramic pat-
tern generated by the pyrolysis of the micropattern under nitrogen at 1000 C
Metallic species such as iron, nickel and cobalt are known to catalyze the
growth of CNTs in the CVD process [168-170]. Because of the ready ther-
mal curability of the hb -PYs, spin-coated films of organometallic polymers 81
and 82 are expected to restrict the agglomeration of the metallic nanoclusters
in the CVD process and hence to provide nanoscopic catalyst seeds for the
Fig. 20 A and B SEM and C - E TEM micrographs of the CNTs prepared by a CVD process
on the silicon wafers spin-coated with 81
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