Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.16 Single impact of A vc on velocity components independent of vertical diffusion and
advection, after 1 day of OWF operation, at 2-m depths. Illustrations (a1)-(a3) show results for run
src60 (no vertical exchange, A vc
min, no TS advection/diffusion), (b1)-(b3) show results for run
src50.56 (no vertical TS advection/diffusion), and (c1)-(c3) show the difference between src60
and src56. Variables are (a1)-(c1) velocity component u ,(a2)-(c2) velocity component v in the
horizontal, and (a3)-(d3) velocity component w over the vertical along cross-section S-N through
the OWF. Arrows define direction of horizontal velocity field. A vc controls horizontal dimension of
the OWF effect. Therefore, a clearly defined wake with flanks is adopted from the wind field, and
therefore the vertical motion is limited to two main cells. Additional vertical cells are suppressed
due to a weaker gradient at the surface
sensitivity runs (Fig. 5.16 ), whereas the vertical motion cannot have an effect on
temperature due to negligence of vertical TS advection/diffusion.
Differences with the normal run count 72.82 % for downwelling and an increase
for upwelling of 58.53 %.
Considering the run without diffusion and especially advection, src56 , (stronger
advection triggers w ), the magnitudes of up- and downwelling cells are more
symmetric by maximum average changes to the normal run of a 49.44 % increase.
If we prohibit a vertical exchange of the momentum, then the vertical motion,
which is triggered by the surface elevation and the horizontal velocity, can affect
lower layers more easily because the effect at upper layers run faster due to a
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