Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 6.19 Daily mean change (OWFr-REFr) of ocean conditions due to OWF for 16th (a1-e1),
17th (a2-e2), 18th (a3-e3), and 19th (a4-e4) of June 2010. From top to bottom: Horizontal
velocity field at surface (a1-a4), surface elevation (b1-b4), vertical velocity component w at 12.5-
m depth (c1-c4), SST (d1-d4), and salinity concentration at surface (e1-e4). Dark gray shaded
areas are land, light gray (at velocity w ) marks bathymetry, and solid black lines illustrate OWF
districts of expansion scenario B1-2030much
southerly of the wind farm areas and northerly of the German coast on 16 and
19 June 2010 was not detected, like in REFr. On the other hand, OWFr leads to
some cloudy spaces within the OWF district on 19 June northerly of latitude 54.00 ,
which are not given in REFr.
6.2.2 Effect on the German Bight Based on Case Study II
Even for the ocean simulations, results for days in June 2010 are comparable with
the theoretical approach of wind direction N/NE in previous section. The daily
means of the OWF effect on the ocean on June 2010 are documented in Fig. 6.19 :
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