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Saint-Simon, Mémoire sur la science de l'homme , in Œ uvres Choisies , 2:111-12;
Manuel, Saint-Simon , 139-47.
Claude Henri de Saint-Simon, Esquisse d'une nouvelle encyclopédie, ou Introduc-
tion à la philosophie du XIX e siècle , quoted in Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An
Intellectual Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 1:72 .
This was announced in one of Saint-Simon's earliest pamphlets, his Extrait
d'un ouvrage sur l'organization social of 1804. It is translated as “Extract on
Social Organization,” in Henri Saint-Simon (1760-1825): Selected Writings on Sci-
ence, Industry and Social Organization , ed. and trans. Keith Taylor ( New York :
Holmes & Meier, 1975), 83-85.
Claude Henri de Saint-Simon and Augustin Thierry, De la réorganisation de
la société Européenne , in Œ uvres Choisies , 2:253-328. Portions of this tract are
translated as “The Reorganization of the European Community,” in Henri
Comte de Saint-Simon (1760-1825): Selected Writings , trans. F. M. H. Markham
(New York: Macmillan, 1952), 28-68.
Saint-Simon, “Reorganization,” in Markham, Selected Writings , 29. The scien-
tific principle in this case is what Manuel interprets this law of 'alternativity'
as a notion similar to the historical dialectic of Hegel—though invented inde-
pendently. See Manuel, Saint-Simon , 139-47.
Keith Taylor, introduction to Taylor, Saint-Simon , 30.
We see in Saint-Simon the beginnings of the positivist reduction of the notion
of “universalism” to its methodological component. This is the sense of the
term as it has been appropriated by sociologists of science to describe the
methodological norm which supposes that a common standard applies to sci-
entific claims in all times and cultures. See Robert K. Merton, “The Norma-
tive Structure of Science,” in Sociology of Science , 270.
The general character of Saint-Simon's appeals to these various audiences is
discussed in Manuel, Saint-Simon , 189-98, 283-84. On his efforts to influ-
ence Napoleon and his campaign to influence the French industriels , see also
Mathurin Dondo, The French Faust Henri de Saint-Simon (New York: Philosoph-
ical Library, 1955), 104, 131-48.
Georg G. Iggers, introduction to The Doctrine of Saint-Simon: An Exposition First
Year, 1828-1829 , trans. Georg G. Iggers (Boston: Beacon, 1958), ix-xii. Two
years before, Saint-Simon had dedicated his Travail sur la gravitation universelle
to “his Majesty the Emperor.” In likening Napoleon to Charlemagne, Saint-
Simon enjoins him to extend the reign of his own new Christianity over all of
Europe. Translated as “Study in Universal Gravitation,” in Taylor, Saint-Simon ,
124-27. See also Manuel, Saint-Simon , 120.
Claude Henri de Saint-Simon and Augustin Thierry, “The Reorganization of
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