Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.5 Resource use and dry matter production ofsole-cropped sorghum,a
sorghum/fodder cowpea intercrop,and associated weeds in an experiment
conducted in New Delhi,India.Data are averaged over five weed management
treatments (unweeded control,two hand-weedings,linuron,nitrofen,and
fluchloralin) and two cropping seasons.(a) Uptake ofN,P,and K by sole-cropped
sorghum and the sorghum/cowpea intercrop.(b) Uptake ofN,P,and K by weeds
in the two cropping systems.(c) Penetration ofsolar radiation to ground level in
sole-cropped and intercropped sorghum as a percentage ofincident radiation
above the canopy.The increase in radiation penetration at 65 days after planting
resulted from harvest ofcowpea at 60 days after planting.(d) Sorghum grain
yield and weed above-ground biomass in sole-cropped and intercropped
sorghum.In addition to sorghum grain,the intercrop produced cowpea fodder
material.(Adapted from Abraham & Singh,1984.)
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