Agriculture Reference
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In warm climates, and for crops that can emerge through dense residue,
trailing wheels that brush residue into the crop row behind the planter unit
would allow concentration of mulch in the zone that is most difficult to weed
mechanically.Athree-fold concentration of mulch over the row should be pos-
sible, and in many cases this would increase the mulch from an ineffective to
an effective rate.
Finally,better methods could be developed for moving crop residues on the
farm. Moving mulch materials is rarely cost-effective for producing field
crops, but may be practical for some horticultural crops. Some fruit and vege-
table growers have fields that are unsuited to intensive management of high-
value crops. These could be planted to forage species and mowed periodically
to provide material for soil improvement and weed suppression on the inten-
sively managed fields. Care would need to be practiced to prevent introduc-
tion of weed seeds with the mulch. However, few weeds of perennial forages
go to seed in late spring when the mulch would be most useful for production
of summer crops. The biggest hurdle to moving mulch is that machines cur-
rently available for spreading bulk materials are not well adapted to spreading
mulch between established plants.In some tropical regions,forest leaf litter is
moved to nearby fields (Wilken,1977),and simple human- or animal-powered
machines could greatly reduce the labor involved.Mechanical management of
mulch will likely be a fertile field for collaboration between farmers, agricul-
tural engineers, weed scientists, and ecologists in the coming years.
Alkämper, J.(1976).Influence of weed infestation on effect of fertilizer dressings.
Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer ,29, 191-235.
Alkämper, J., Pessios, E., & Long, D.V.(1979).Einfluss der dungung auf die Entwicklung
und Nahrstoffaufnahme verschiedener Unkrauter in Mais. Proceedings of the
European Weed Research Society (1979) ,181-92.
Anderson, R.L.(1991).Timing of nitrogen application affects downy brome ( Bromus
tectorum ) growth in winter wheat. Weed Technology ,5, 582-5.
Angonin, C., Caussanel, J.P., & Meynard, J.M.(1996).Competition between winter wheat
and Veronica hederifolia: influence of weed density and the amount and timing of
nitrogen application. Weed Research ,36, 175-87.
Appleby,A.P., Olson, P.D., & Colbert, D. R.(1976).Winter wheat yield reduction from
interference by Italian ryegrass. Agronomy Journal ,68, 463-6.
Azam, F., Malik, K.A., & Sajjad, M.I.(1985).Transformations in soil and availability to
plants of 15 N applied as inorganic fertilizer and legume residues. Plant and Soil ,
86, 3-13.
Ball, D.A.,Wysocki, D.J., & Chastain,T.G.(1996).Nitrogen application timing effects on
downy brome ( Bromus tectorum ) and winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) growth and
yield. Weed Technology ,10, 305-10.
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