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u ( t , x ) = u D
in [0 , T ] × ∂,
u (0 , x ) = u 0 ( x )in
Without loss of generality, we may assume u D
= 0. The Perona-Malik function
g : IR 0 IR + is nonincreasing, g (0) = 1, admitting g ( s ) 0 for s →∞ [45].
Usually we use the function g ( s ) = 1 / (1 + Ks 2 ), K 0. G σ C ( IR d )isa
smoothing kernel, e.g. the Gauss function
(4 πσ ) d / 2 e −| x |
/ 4 σ
G σ ( x ) =
which is used in presmoothing of image gradients by the convolution
IR d G σ ( x ξ ) I 0 ( ξ ) d ξ,
G σ I 0
with I 0 being the extension of I 0 to IR d given by periodic reflection through the
boundary of image domain. The computational domain is usually a subdo-
main of the image domain; it should include the segmented object. In fact, in
most situations corresponds to image domain itself. We assume that an initial
state of the segmentation function is bounded, i.e. u 0
L ( ). For shortening
notations, we will use the abbreviation
g 0
= g ( |∇ G σ I 0
| ) .
Due to smoothing properties of convolution, we always have 1 g 0
ν σ > 0
[5, 27].
Equation (11.2) is a regularization, in the sense |∇ u |≈|∇ u | ε =
+|∇ u |
[19], of the segmentation equation suggested in [7-9, 30, 31], namely,
g 0 u
|∇ u |
u t =|∇ u |∇ ·
However, while in [19] the ε -regularization was used just as a tool to prove the
existence of a viscosity solution of the level set equation (see also [10, 12]), in
our work ε is a modeling parameter. As we will see later, it can help in suitable
denoising and completion of missing boundaries in images. Such regularization
can be interpreted as a mean curvature flow of graphs with respect to a specific
Riemann metric given by the image features [49].
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