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where Z d is the volume of the unit d -dimensional sphere. Using K ( x ) and window
radius h , the multivariate kernel density estimate on the point x is
K x x i
nh d
f ( x ) =
i = 1
The estimate of the density gradient can be defined as the gradient of the kernel
density estimate since a differentiable kernel is used:
i = 1 K x x i
nh d
f ( x ) =
f ( x ) ≡∇
Applying (10.34) to (10.36), we obtain
n x
[ x i x ]
n x
n ( h d Z d )
d + 2
h 2
f ( x ) =
x i H h ( x )
where the region H h ( x ) is a hypersphere of radius h and volume h d Z d , centered
on x , and containing n x data points. The sample mean shift is the last term in
n x
M h ( x )
[ x i x ] .
x i H h ( x )
n ( h d Z d ) is the kernel density estimate f ( x ) computed with the hy-
persphere H h ( x ), and thus (10.37) can be rewritten as
n x
The quantity
f ( x ) d + 2
f ( x ) =
h 2 M h ( x ) ,
which can be rearranged as
h 2
d + 2
f ( x )
f ( x ) .
M h ( x ) =
Using (10.40), the mean shift vector provides the direction of the gradient of the
density estimate at x which always points toward the direction of the maximum
increase (in the density). Hence, it converges along a path leading to a mode of
the density.
In [13], Comaniciu et al. performed the mean shift procedure for image seg-
mentation in a joint domain, the image ( spatial ) domain, and color space ( range )
domain. The spatial constraints were then inherent in the mode searching proce-
dure. The window radius is the only significant parameter in their segmentation
scheme. A small window radius results in oversegmentation (i.e. larger number
of clusters), and a large radius produces undersegmentation (yielding a smaller
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