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Figure 7.11:
(a) Data set; ( b) conceptual region; (c) leve 1; and (d) final level.
into H consecutive chunks ( H = 3 in Fig. 7.11). Then, for each such chunk, sort
its data points by the y -values and partition them into H consecutive chunks.
For 3D images we must repeat the procedure for the z -values.
That is precisely the meta-cell partition. Unlike octrees, meta-cell is not a hi-
erarchical structure. The partition is defined through the parameter H . Besides,
given a point ( q 1 , q 2 , q 3 ), inside the domain, the corresponding meta-cell is given
mcell = q i / C i ,
i = 1 , 2 , 3 ,
where C i is the number of data points of each chunk of the conceptual region, in
the direction i . To each meta-cell is associated a set of meta-intervals (connected
components among the intervals of the cells in that meta-cell). These meta-
intervals are used to construct an interval tree, which will be used to optimize
I/O operations. Given a set of N meta-intervals, let e 1 , e 2 ,..., e 2 n be the sorted list
of left and right endpoints of these intervals. Then, the interval tree is recursively
defined as follows:
Interval tree construction : (i) If there is only one interval, then the current node
r is a leaf containing that interval; (ii) else, the value m = ( e n + e n + 1 ) / 2 is stored
in r as a key; the intervals that contain m are assigned to r as well as pointers to
the subtrees left ( r ) and right ( r ). Go to step (i).
Now, let us take an overview of out-of-core isosurface extraction methods
based on the above structures. The methodology presented in [64] extends the
BONO for time-varying isosurface extraction. The proposed structure ( temporal
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